Sobre a Gran Maximus

Especialistas em terraplenagem e transporte, garantimos eficiência e qualidade em cada projeto, atendendo às necessidades específicas de nossos clientes.

A construction site with large piles of earth and heavy machinery. An excavator with a yellow arm is actively digging beside mounds of dirt, and a small vehicle is parked nearby. The area shows clear marks of recent excavation, with tracks from machinery visible on the ground.
A construction site with large piles of earth and heavy machinery. An excavator with a yellow arm is actively digging beside mounds of dirt, and a small vehicle is parked nearby. The area shows clear marks of recent excavation, with tracks from machinery visible on the ground.
An excavator with the brand name visible on its arm is positioned in a large, earthy excavation site. Two individuals wearing hard hats are seated on the machine’s arm. The site is filled with dark soil, and the scene is monochromatic, giving it a gritty, industrial appearance.
An excavator with the brand name visible on its arm is positioned in a large, earthy excavation site. Two individuals wearing hard hats are seated on the machine’s arm. The site is filled with dark soil, and the scene is monochromatic, giving it a gritty, industrial appearance.

Quem somos

Fundada em 2006 por Luís Carlos, nossa empresa iniciou suas atividades com a aquisição de um caminhão basculante, dedicada ao transporte de materiais como argila e areia. Com o passar dos anos, em 2014, Ryan, filho de Luís Carlos, assumiu um papel de liderança nos serviços, marcando um novo capítulo em nossa trajetória

Com o crescimento contínuo, investimos na ampliação de nossa estrutura, adquirindo equipamentos como motoniveladora (patrol), escavadeira, rolo compactador e retroescavadeira. Essa evolução nos permitiu diversificar nossos serviços, indo além do transporte de materiais para atuar também na área de terraplenagem. Hoje, realizamos operações completas de corte, transporte e compactação de solo, sempre com excelência.

Missão e Valores

Fornecer soluções eficientes e seguras em terraplenagem, transporte e locação de equipamentos pesados, garantindo a máxima qualidade em cada projeto. Buscamos superar as expectativas dos nossos clientes por meio da inovação, tecnologia e excelência operacional.

Prezamos pelo compromisso com a qualidade, sempre priorizando a segurança e eficiência. Atuamos com ética e transparência, baseando todas as nossas relações comerciais na integridade e responsabilidade. Nosso foco está na satisfação do cliente, trabalhando continuamente para atender e superar suas necessidades. Além disso, adotamos práticas sustentáveis que minimizam impactos ambientais e promovem o uso consciente dos recursos. Acreditamos na inovação e tecnologia como pilares fundamentais para a otimização dos nossos serviços, investindo constantemente em equipamentos modernos e novas soluções.


An excavator is actively engaged in digging a large section of earth in a rural setting. The machine, with its large mechanical arm and scoop, is positioned over uneven terrain with loose soil and rocks scattered around. In the background, there is a partially visible rural structure and surrounding greenery, indicating a construction or land preparation site.
An excavator is actively engaged in digging a large section of earth in a rural setting. The machine, with its large mechanical arm and scoop, is positioned over uneven terrain with loose soil and rocks scattered around. In the background, there is a partially visible rural structure and surrounding greenery, indicating a construction or land preparation site.
A construction site is depicted with heavy machinery including an excavator, a bulldozer, and a backhoe loader. Large pipes are stacked in the background, and there is a section of earth that appears to be excavated. Traffic cones and barriers are positioned around the site, indicating ongoing work. The ground is mostly bare and dusty, with some areas containing gravel and red dirt.
A construction site is depicted with heavy machinery including an excavator, a bulldozer, and a backhoe loader. Large pipes are stacked in the background, and there is a section of earth that appears to be excavated. Traffic cones and barriers are positioned around the site, indicating ongoing work. The ground is mostly bare and dusty, with some areas containing gravel and red dirt.
Two large yellow excavators are positioned on a rugged terrain during sunset or sunrise. The machinery is in operation, leveling or excavating the earth with visible tracks on the ground. The sky exhibits a blend of blue, orange, and white hues, suggesting a calm yet industrious environment.
Two large yellow excavators are positioned on a rugged terrain during sunset or sunrise. The machinery is in operation, leveling or excavating the earth with visible tracks on the ground. The sky exhibits a blend of blue, orange, and white hues, suggesting a calm yet industrious environment.
A collection of heavy machinery, including excavators and bulldozers, arranged on a gravel lot under a clear blue sky. The machines are predominantly yellow and have visible brand markings.
A collection of heavy machinery, including excavators and bulldozers, arranged on a gravel lot under a clear blue sky. The machines are predominantly yellow and have visible brand markings.
A construction vehicle with an articulated arm and a large metal scoop is featured prominently, raised against a backdrop of a cloudy sky. The vehicle is positioned on uneven, earthy terrain with some sparse vegetation visible. The vehicle is primarily orange, and the scene suggests a construction or excavation site.
A construction vehicle with an articulated arm and a large metal scoop is featured prominently, raised against a backdrop of a cloudy sky. The vehicle is positioned on uneven, earthy terrain with some sparse vegetation visible. The vehicle is primarily orange, and the scene suggests a construction or excavation site.

Veja nossos projetos em terraplenagem e transporte de cargas.


Estamos localizados em uma área estratégica, facilitando o acesso a diversas obras e operações de terraplenagem e transporte.


R. Pássaro Preto, 140 - Novo Horizonte, Serra - ES, 29163-355


Segunda a Sábado

7:00 - 17:00